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12-16-10 Special Meeting

Chairman Duane Giannini called the meeting to order at 7 pm.

Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, James Viadero and Chairman Duane Giannini
Absent: Keith Jacobs
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, 1 member of the press and no members of the public.


Chief Kehoe began the meeting with a power point presentation. He went over each area of the budget with Police Commissioners explaining everything in detail and answering any questions they might have.

Programs and Services -
The Chief  indicated that he was requesting pretty much the same budget as last year accept that they were asking for the funding of a 47th sworn officer. According to Chief Kehoe, the position was approved but the monies to fill the position were removed from the budget last year.

Budget Commentary –
Chief Kehoe reported that the contractual raises of Fiscal Year 2010 -2011 will cause an increase in the personnel line due to the raises being split in the fiscal year. He noted that there will also be an increase due to contractual step increases.

Prior accomplishments –
The Chief told commissioners that prior budgets have given the department the opportunity to enhance services to the community and noted that part of those enhanced services were the new Traffic Enforcement Unit which began two years ago. He also noted that the department was accredited by the State in Tier 1.

Impacts –
Chief Kehoe stressed that not having a 47th officer impacts the department tremendously. He added that the department is somewhat short staffed and having the 47th officer would help the department with staffing levels.
Commissioner Walczak noted that it was the Board’s call on how they put money into the budget.
Commissioner Viadero asked the Chief if there was any way of doing an over-time projection on what it was costing the department to not have a 47th officer . The Chief responded that it was hard to access as there were many other variables which affected over-time. He noted that the department is already down a couple of officers for various reasons which is directly affecting the over-time.

Position Schedule –

Police Commissioners all voiced their support agreed that the department needed to request funding for the 47th position.

Education -
Chief Kehoe noted that they were asking $39,560 for education in the budget. He told the commissioners they had to go by experience, review expenses and compare to previous years. The Chief added that they have to fulfill numerous training requirements and that the department’s budget is actually quite small.

Program/Equipment/Supplies -
Chief Kehoe told commissioners that the DARE program supplies are $8700 but stressed that it was a popular program in Newtown. He explained that they use to take the money out of asset forfeiture but that they can’t do that anymore.

Uniform Allowance -
According to Chief Kehoe, the uniform allowance  is roughly $600 per officer.

Computer Operating –
The Chief explained that the cost is centralized for IT throughout the Town.

Patrol Cars –
Chief Kehoe said they are requesting six new patrol cars for 2011 – 2012.

Capital –
Noting that there was no money in the budget for Engineering, Chairman Giannini urged that they put monies in for Traffic Engineering.
Commissioner Budd agreed adding that the department should put in for 1 traffic study every year.
The Chief told commissioners were asking for two in-car cameras which cost roughly $4,000 to $6,000 each.
Chairman Giannini noted that he wants a more definitive price, but agreed on their importance.
The Chief explained that they have three cameras at the moment and two cameras need to be replaced. He added that the program was to get two per year and that the life expectancy of each camera is 8 to 10 years. He noted that the cameras are not only good for litigation but for evidence as well.
Commissioner Budd made a motion the Board of Police Commissioners request for the Newtown Police Department a proposed budget of $4, 177, 698 (which includes funding for 47 sworn police officers) and add to line item 1310 an additional $30600, $15,000 for engineering and $15,600 towards new car cameras, for a total proposed budget of $4, 208,298. Commissioner Viadero seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Commissioner Budd moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 pm.  

 Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.